Join me for the wild, wonderful world of Tease-O-Rama - America's onlyweekend-long convention dedicated to the foxy, fabulous and all-aroundover-the-top world of burlesque! http://www.teaseorama.com/+ SEE performances from over 200 contemporary pinup queens!+ TAKE classes in everything from tassel-twirling to burlesque history!+ SHOP for free at the Sunday afternoon Burlesque Shopping Bazaar!+ VIEW the West Coast Premiere of the Suicide Girls movie!+ MEET the legends of burlesque!WHEN?Thursday Sept 29thMeet and Greet the stars of Tease-O-Rama!Location: Cafe du Nord (http://www.cafedunord.com) 2170 Market Street, SanFranciscoDoors: 9 pmPrice: $8Friday NIGHT Sept 30th and Saturday NIGHTOct 1stTease-O-Rama Showcase (over 200 + performers on stage!)Location: Bimbos' 365 Club (http://www.bimbos365club.com) 1025 ColumbusAvenue (at Chestnut Street), San FranciscoDoors: 7pmShow: 8pm SHARP!Price: $35 per nightDaytime, Saturday Oct 1st and Sunday Oct 2ndDAYTIME convention classes/activities (including FREE Burlesque Bazaar onSunday Oct 2nd)Location: Cafe du Nord AND Swedish American Hall (http://www.cafedunord.com/)2170 Market Street, San FranciscoDoors: 10am - 5pm, 1 hour classes throughout the day, full details onwebsite: http://www.teaseorama.comWe are proud to announce a FINAL movie night GALA event at the historicVictoria Theater which was once a burlesque house called The Follies! Thisfinal night features a panel of LIVING BURLESQUE LEGENDS from the heyday ofburlesque, vintage burlesque reels, the new burlesque short CAMP BURLESQUE,and the WEST COAST premiere of SUICIDE GIRLS: THE FIRST TOUR.WHEN?Sunday Oct 2ndDoors: 6pmShow: 6:30pm - 8pm (Legend Panel Discussion AND autographs), 8pm-10:30 (CampBurlesque and Suicide Girls Movies)WHERE?The Victoria Theater (http://www.victoriatheatre.org)2961 16th Street, San FranciscoTel: (415) 863-7576PRICE?$15 includes WHOLE evening event!!Living Legends of Burlesque Panel: Moderated by Jaye Furlonger of The Friends of Exotic World, the Legends ofBurlesque Panel is a rare opportunity to learn about "burlesque as it was" -from the delightfully articulate and exceptionally talented women whoactually lived it. Among our confirmed guests, we are pleased to announce thereturn of Exotic World's own Dixie Evans ("The Marilyn Monroe of Burlesque"),as well as Satan's Angel ("The Devil's Own Mistress") and San Francisconative, Isis Starr. Please join us for an unforgettable evening with these remarkable women (andperhaps a surprise guest or two), as they reminisce about their colorfulpasts and share their thoughts and reflections on the state of the art, fromits early years through the present day.About Jaye Furlonger: A trained museum collections and archives worker, JayeFurlongerrecently completed her master's thesis on the lost history of San Diego'sHollywood Theatre, the West Coast's last original burlesque house. She isalso a founding member, along with Laura Herbert & Luke Littell, of TheFriends of Exotic World, a vital fundraising organization with a mission toexpand, preserve and protect the Exotic World collection in perpetuity.After the Legends step into an evening hosted by: Will "the Thrill" and Monica "The Tiki Goddess" Cortes-Viharo! They host"Thrillville," a cult movie cabaret, at The Parkway Speakeasy Theater inOakland, as well as "road shows" around the universe and beyond. Will wasborn in New York City and raised mostly in New Jersey, and in addition tobeing a beatnik lounge lizard he is also a freelance writer specializing inlounge music and vintage B movies, while Monica, a Bay Area native, is anaccomplished actress and model. They cite Elvis and Sinatra as their patronsaints. You can visit them in the small, swanky town of Thrillville via theirweb site, http://www.thrillville.netCamp Burlesque (SF PREMIERE!)It's titillating, it's shocking, it's CAMP! Los Angeles Director, AntonioMarsico brings you Camp Burlesque! Filmed in dazzling Swing-O-Vision color,Camp Burlesque is a wild romp of eroticism featuring today's most popularstars of burlesque: Erochica Bamboo, Kiten DeVille, Mimi LeMeaux, Eliza Bane,Jessika Von Fuhr, Blue Angel, Deadly Tiger Lily, Esperanza, Loud Louisa, MayaO'Migh, Lou Lou Roxy, Miss Cherry, Roobie Breastnut, Anna Bells, LuckyDiPalma, Victoria Lane.....and many, many more! More info at:http://www.campburlesque.comSuicide Girls: The First Tour (WEST COAST PREMIERE!)The Suicide Girls documents the sexy fun and absolute chaos that made the SGLive tour a showstopper and continues to attract throngs of fans. The110-minute film features the show performances stylistically edited andinter-cut with candid interviews from the girls, photo shoots, andbehind-the-scenes antics like trying to set up a topless photo shoot on thestreets of San Francisco at midnight.Review from Film Threat: " The Suicide girls are young, tattooed and piercedwomen who strike an erotic pose on the net in a tightly knit community ofsimilar individuals. It's grrrrl power (or savvy marketing depending on howcynical you are), and this (film) is a chronicle of some of those girls'first tour around the continent as they put on a burlesque show. You'll seeinterviews with the ladies, their acts and photo shoots. The less astuteviewer will think it's really just naked punk chicks dancing around, but asthe hilarious photo shoot in San Francisco proves, you can't easily classifyanything when it comes to the Suicide Girls.If you like hot, tattooed and pierced females (and the bad leather - Lordknows I do), you'll want to check this film out as soon as humanly possible.You'll come for the flesh, but you'll stay for the personalities. Rating:**** "The Victoria Theater:Located in the historic Mission District of San Francisco, the ornate andstately Victoria Theatre, seats 500. The theatre, built in 1908 as avaudeville house, is now a city landmark and the oldest operating theatre inSan Francisco.Originally called Brown's Opera House, it was operated as a vaudevilleshowcase by the ancestors of two California governors. The theatre drewcrowds who delighted in observing the grand performances of internationalstars who came to San Francisco. As cinema began to displace live on-stageentertainment, the character of the Victoria Theatre began to change. In the1930's, it became a motion picture house offering dishware door prizes toentice moviegoers. In the 1950's the Victoria Theatre was renamed El TeatroVictoria, showing Spanish-language films for the growing Latino community inthe area. In the 1960's, under the name New Follies, the theatre became aburlesque house and closed in 1976.Two years later, restored and refurbished, she was once again Victoria, andtoday she is the oldest operating theatre in San Francisco. In her longhistory she has presented Mae West, Whoopi Goldberg, Bill Irwin, DonaldO'Conner, and Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Current Victoria presentations areeclectic, usually edgy, and include locally produced original plays,concerts, film festivals,musicals, and international performing companies.Contact Tease-O-Rama!For photos, interviews with performers or organizers, press credentials andanswers to all and sundry inquiries, contact: Alan Parowski atspacecapades@hotmail.com.